10 Tips and Tricks for Cooking with Fire:
A Quintessential Primordial Experience

Cooking With Fire – The Perfect Pour
Grilling season is upon us with the ushering in of the Memorial Day Weekend. In this post, I will give you the 10 Best Tips for grilling using the Weber grill and charcoal chimney. Specifically I will cover:
1. The art and theater of grilling
2. The “Perfect Pour” video demo
3. Getting the perfect grill marks on meats and much more!Continue Reading…
Spring Recipes and More!
Asparagus signals spring!
And it’s a powerful source of vitamins and minerals which can boost your health.
Furthermore, for those of us who like to eat with the seasons, now is the time to get creative with this powerhouse veggie.
This post will explore all things Asparagus including its:
1) Health benefits,
2) Origins and
3) Culinary wonders.
Let’s get to it!
St. Patrick’s Day and All Things Irish
Why Do We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

St. Patrick’s Day – Shamrock Cookies
There are many reasons to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. And it is indeed celebrated in a very big way around the world.
For me, St. Patrick’s Day, is all about the food, the drink, and of course being a Catholic myself, it’s about the religious meaning behind the Holiday.
This post will explore…
1. The history behind St. Patrick peppered with insights from my Irish friend Una.
2. The ways in which St. Patrick is celebrated and of course…
3. Showcase some traditional Irish meals.
7 Sexy Cocktails That Will Make You Blush
(For Valentines Day 2018)

Sexy Cocktails – Silk Stockings
Sexy cocktails for Valentine’s Day are sure to get your true love’s attention! What could be more seductive than a cocktail by the name of…
Silk Stockings or…
Between the Sheets or…
Sex on the Beach?
Turmeric: 7 Healthy Recipes (Eat it in 2018!)

Turmeric Root – Health Benefits
In this post you’ll learn about the magnificent health benefits of turmeric.
Plus, you’ll find 7 delicious recipes and 1 video on using turmeric.
Crush life by eating your way towards optimum health in 2018!
The Christmas Cookie – 9 Easy Recipes for the Holidays
The Christmas cookie is my passion during the Holidays. Below are 9 easy recipes…

Christmas Cookies – Gluten Free Sugar Cookie
Cooking with Coffee – Recipes and Health Benefits

Cooking With Coffee – Health Benefits
It’s Personal Chef Garbo here with my top 6 powerful reasons for cooking with coffee. Coffee not only adds depth to your food but it has many health benefits that can extend your life and make you happy too by boosting your mental clarity and general feeling of well being.
The Mysterious Underworld of the Monterey Abalone Farm

Personal Chef San Francisco – Monterey Abalone Farm
Personal Chef San Francisco – Chef Garbo’s Excellent Adventure
It’s Personal Chef San Francisco – Chef Garbo here and I’m reporting about a spectacular field trip to Monterey… It was a beautiful sunny day in Monterey Bay where the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter met at the very end of the Municipal Wharf #2. On this very same wharf John Steinbeck walked while looking for a boat to take him and Ed “Doc” Ricketts to the Sea of Cortez in 1940. Chef Bourget coordinated this Chapter field trip where we learned all about Abalone farming.

Green Eggs and Ham
As a Personal Chef in San Francisco, I am wondering how best to show my appreciation for Mother’s Day this Sunday. After all, she gave me the gift of life. I appreciate my mother for emphasizing the importance of reading when I was a kid. And boy did I enjoy all the Dr. Seuss books, especially “Green Eggs and Ham”! Maybe that’s where I got my love of all things food? She used to call me “Sugar Nose” because I could smell a candy bar a mile away… but I digress. My point is that I have some great Mother’s Day brunch ideas that your Mom might like.
Whether Mom prefers a leisurely breakfast in bed or a family brunch around the table, you’ll delight her with these easy homemade hard boiled eggs with pesto and ham.

Valentine Candy Collage – Personal Chef SF Garbo
Valentine Cake That Pops!
I’ve always liked the saying “Life is Short Eat Dessert First” and that will be the order in which I present my Valentine’s dinner idea that is sure to please. My over the top cake idea is so easy it’s laughable and totally fun to create using any type of candy toppings that you like. I chose a Bundt cake for its simplicity and filled in the center hole with peanut M&Ms which not only makes a sturdy base to hold the heavy lollypop but adds drama at slicing time as the M&M’s cascade out of the center like a water fall. If you have kids in the house they’ll love it!